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Chrissy Ralph





Chrissy’s practice incorporates viscous materials and fluid ways of
working. Embracing physical performance and performativity of
objects/situations, Chrissy loves working with materials such as
latex, mesh, honey, spit, hair, dough, and apples, which she will
play with through containing, stabbing, pressurising, mixing, etc.
The centre of Chrissy’s practice lies with exploration into
inside/outside, disgust, corporeality, and feminisms. She enjoys
disruption of space and narrative, and is mightily obsessed with
mouths. Text and language often slide into her playful
experimentation which does not seek definitive answers but feeds
from asking and uncovering thought provoking questions.
As a working mother of four, child rearing has impacted Chrissy’s
academic and career pathways, and the flow of her art practice.
Never one to shy away from a challenge she attempts to fight
against the perceived impossibility of maintaining a fulfilling art
practice and meeting parenting commitments. Chrissy continues to
push forwards.
Influences include Sartre, Kristeva, Lacan, and Morton in work
which is highly responsive to research. Other influences include
selected TV, music, film, literature, articles, eavesdropping, and
off-the-cuff comments. Lacan’s extimate and slippery truths of
materials, of situations, of places, of appearances are what’s hot in
Chrissy’s world right now.

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